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what's up?

It's Sunday, May 9th 2021 in the late afternoon on a mostly grey, early May day and I'm at home in Santa Barbara, California.

  • …with my pups, the nearly 5 year old golden/lab/Pyrenees Leo(nidas), and 3.5 year old terrier/lab/wire haired pointer/mutt mix Luna-tic (I say this endearingly; she has boundless energy that is often incredibly contagious).

  • I'm so fortunate on the daily to get to help guide so many incredible athletes from across the country through their life's endurance journeys.

  • My personal training and overall fitness, athleticism, and endurance are continuing to rise, at times it often feels quite rapidly. I was so excited to sign on with Salomon again and am really looking forward to continue to race a wide variety of events around the world this year and beyond, with key focuses in '21 being the 93rd Mount Marathon in Seward, Alaska (7/7), OCC @ UTMB (8/26) in Chamonix, France, and the 110th Dipsea (11/7) my 13th consecutive in my hometown Mill Valley, California. Many other races will serve as tune-ups and challenges to test tactics and continue to improve with each run.

  • I've been reading a lot the last few years, setting the goal when I turned 30 to read 100 books by the time I reached 40. I'm a little off pace, but the important goal, was to improve from my mid to late 20s near zero books slump, which I've done. Next on my website refresh list is to start a book log. Always up for your reading recos, too.

  • Daily, I'm trying to spend time creating more space for my mind to think free, thus decreasing stress and increasing happiness. This includes outdoor adventures sans technology, walking dogs frequently, meditation, body maintenance, & more.


Please do keep in touch— I always want to know what's going on with you and if I can help in any way.



Sunday, November 7th @ 8:24a (Z group)

Mill Valley Depot

My 13th consecutive Dipsea. Going for my 3rd black shirt & a podium at the country's oldest trail race.


(Super nerds only)

Steve Prefontaine

 "I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't."

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